Blood In Baby Diaper Urine. If you spot blood in your babys stool and diaper but your baby is cheerful healthy and playing then you can wait to see your doctor rather than rushing to the emergency room. When blood gets into urine pee its called hematuria hee-ma-TUR-ee-uh. Please LIKECOMMENTSHARE or even FAVORITE if you found t. It may be due to nothing more serious than a small sore caused by diaper rash but it also could be a sign of a more serious problem.
If you see blood in your childs urine you should call your childs health care provider. While they can appear alarming to first time parents urine crystals - sometimes called brick dust brick powder or pink diaper syndrome - are normal and common among newborn babies. It appears more like a pink tinge than anything else although it might outright look like a small amount of blood. There are two types of hematuria. Blood may come from the kidneys the ureters tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder the bladder where urine is stored or the urethra the tube from the bladder to the outside of the body. When blood is visible in the urine or when spots on the dipstick change color indicating the presence of red blood cells your childs doctor may make the diagnosis of hematuria.
New parents are sometimes concerned to find dark pinkish-orange spots in their intact not circumcised babys diaper during the first few days of life and worry it might be blood in the babys urine.
Youll know well enough if your baby has a bad diaper rash. You can help prevent and treat her diaper rash at home. The method of collection of the urine sample is of paramount importance in making a diagnosis of urinary tract infection in infants and children. Most of the time urate crystals in a babys diaper in the first three days of life are normal in a breastfeeding infant. In this video I discuss the issue of what can appear to be blood in the diaper of newborn babies. If your baby has a severe diaper rash it can leave traces of blood in her diaper.