Blood In Childs Stools. The fecal blood is typically the result of frequent and severe diarrhea. This is called an anal fissure. Blood on your toilet paper. The presence of mucus and blood in the childs stool can be caused due to the following conditions 1 3 8 13.
Infection Clostridium difficile or amoebic infection Diagnosing the Cause of Blood In Stool. Blood from higher up in the bowel gets partly broken down to make the stools very dark or black this is called melaena. In young children various abnormalities of the gut or the gut wall may cause rectal bleeding. Noticing blood in your childs stool is alarming even for the most unflappable parent. Blood from constipation and anal fissure tear. Anal fissures which are tiny tears in the anus usually caused by hard stools are the most common cause of blood in toddler stool.
Anal fissures usually are caused by passage of a large or hard stool.
This is the cause in 90 of children with blood in the stools. Is this your childs symptomBlood in or on the stoolBlood can also be passed aloneBlood in the stools is mostly bright redBlood from bleeding in the stomach comes out tar-blackIncluded. How to Treat Bloody Stool in Children. This is the cause in 90 of children with blood in the stools. What are the symptoms of rectal bleeding in children. Blood on your toilet paper.